Project Information

Authors and Contributors

As of v2.5.1-13-gbe73c68e the developers and contributors are:

Rike-Benjamin Schuppner
Valentin Haenel
Tiziano Zito
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
Lisa Schwetlick
Bastian Venthur
Pietro Berkes
Jakob Jordan
Carlos Echeverria
Nicola Chiapolini
Pauli Virtanen
Anastasis Georgoulas
Stefan Appelhoff
Anna Chabuda
Bartosz Telenczuk
Christian Steigies
Daniel Hähnke
Fabien Maussion
Francesc Alted
Ola Pidde
Sasza Kijek
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek

Getting in Touch

Please use the GitHub issues page for questions and discussion.


Pelita is licensed under the terms of the Simplified (two-clause) BSD License. A copy of the license is included with the source, in the file COPYING.


The game is inspired by the “Pac-Man Projects” developed by John DeNero and Dan Klein at Berkeley University for their artificial intelligence introductory course [DeNeroKlein].

This software was developed for the “Advanced Scientific Programming in Python” summer school, as a teaching aid for the group project.

Initial funding was kindly provided by The German Neuroinformatics Node.



John DeNero and Dan Klein. Teaching Introductory Artificial Intelligence with Pac-Man. In proceedings of the Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI), 2010. pdf